

After seeing Jim Zeiset, You’ll believe a man can fly. (The Weekender, 1979. Article by Nancy Wilson)

Hang gliding
Beautiful to watch and a marvelous challenge, but definitely not for the untrained novice.
According to Jim Zeiset, an experienced hang glider pilt with more than 100 hours flying time, there are two things that are vital in this sport….
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Safer Hang Gliding Encourages Zeiset (by Tod Coleman)

For ages and ages man watched the birds fly through the sky. Man thought he could fly and for hundreds of years he tried.
The Chinese made kites, but no one could make one big enough to hold a person in the air.
A man by the name of Otto Lithienthal invented a new thing called the glider, Lithienthal would strap the glider to his back and runfast down a hill until the glider would be lifted and held up by the wind….
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A Tragic Beginning (article by Ron Smith)

It was Danny who had introduced his older brother to hang gliding back in 1977. On a trip to California, Danny had seen a pilot land his glider gracefully on an ocean beach. Mesmerized by the site, he’d told Jim of his plans to construct a glider from an old parachute.
Jim, an aeronautical engineer and one-time pilot, had grave doubts about his brother’s idea and convinced Danny that the two of them should buy a commercially made glider….
read more of this Pinnacle article